Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Basic English test For RRB Exams Practice paper

Basic English test For RRB Exams Practice paper
Model Objective Questions MCQ English
Directions : Each of the following questions contains a small paragraph followed
by a question on it. Ready each paragraph carefully and answer the question
given below it :

1.Through advertising, manufacturing exercises a high degree of control over
consumers desires. However, the manufacturer assumes enormous risks in attempting
to predict what consumers will want and in producing goods in quantity and distributing
them in advance of final selection by the consumers.
The paragraph best supports the statement that manufacturers
(a) Distribute goods directly to the consumers
(b) Can eliminate the risk of overproduction by advertising
(c) Always take moderate and calculated risk
(d) Can predict with great accuracy the success of any product they put on the market
(e) Must depend upon the final consumers for the success of their undertakings

2. The only true education comes through the stimulation of the child’s powers by
the demands of the social situations in which he finds himself Through these
demands he is stimulated to act as a member of a unity, to emerge from his
original narrowness of action and feeling, and to conceive himself from the stand
point of the welfare of the group to which he belongs.
The passage best supports the statement that real education
(a) Will take place if the children imbibe action and feeling
(b) Will take place if the children are physically strong
(c) Is not provided our schools today
(d) Comes through the interaction with social situations
(e) Comes from the self-centered approach of the students

3. Exports and imports, a swelling favorable balance of trade, investments
and bank-balances, are not an index or a balance sheet of national prosperity. Till
the beginning of the Second World War, English exports were noticeably greater
than what they are today; And yet England has greater national prosperity
today than it ever had. Because the income of average Englishmen, working
as field and factory laborers, clerks, policemen, petty shopkeepers and shop
assistants, domestic workers and other low-paid workers, has gone up.
The passage best supports the statement that:
(a) A country’s economic standard can be best adjudged by the per capita income.
(b) A country’s balance of trade is the main criteria of determining its
economic prosperity.
(c) A nation’s economy strengthens with the increase in exports.
(d) English trade has continually increased since the Second World War.

4. The attainment of individual and organizational goals is mutually interdependent
and linked by a common denominator employee work motivation. Organizational
members are motivated to satisfy their personal goals, and they contribute their
efforts to the attainment of organizational objectives as means of achieving these
personal goals. The passage best supports the statement that motivation
(a) Encourages an individual to give priority to personal goals over organizational goals
(b) Is crucial for the survival of an individual and organization
(c) Is the product of an individual’s physical and mental energy
(d) Is the external force which induces ‘an individual to contribute his efforts
(e) Makes, organization and society inseparable

5. The school has always been the most important means of transferring the
wealth of tradition from one generation to the next. This applies today in an
even higher degree than in former times for, through the modern development
of economy, the family as bearer of tradition and education has become weakened.
This passage best supports the statement that for transferring the wealth of
tradition from one generation to the next-
(a) There are means other than the school
(b) Several different sources must be tried
(c) Economic development plays a crucial role
(d) Modern technology must be put to use
(e) Family, as ever, is the most potent means

Directions : Pasage given below is followed by some questions.
Each question comprises three statements (A), (B) and (C). In the context of the
passage, decide which one, two, three or none of the statements is/are true.


“In the Pandit’s complaint he asks why entries could not be made in the
savings bank pass book on the strength of the counterfoil of the pay-in-slip. This
would save the customer from waiting until the actual voucher passed through
various desks/books( The use of the voucher is, in fact the correct procedure. The
delay experienced by Mr. Pandit on that day could have been avoided. On our
instructions the branch manager concerned has met the complaint and explained
the matter. He has also emphasized the great risk to the customer and the bank if
entries are made on the basis of the counterfoils."
6. (A) The writer of this paragraph is another dissatisfied customer.
(B) The paragraph emphasizes that counterfoils should not be used instead
of vouchers.
(C) Use of counterfoils alone may not lead to any risk.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A and B
(e) Only B and C

7. (A) Mr. Pandit complains about a delay in some transaction pat his bank.
(B) Mr. Pandit wants banks to make book entries on the basis of counterfoils.
(C) Entries made on the basis of vouchers do not involve risk.
(a) A and B
(b) B and C
(c) A and C
(d) A, B and C
(e) None is true

8. (A) In following the correct procedure, unreasonable delays are
always inevitable.
(B) Mr. Pandit‘s complaint was based on full knowledge of the
banking procedure.
(C) Mr. Pandit’s suggestion was appreciated by the bank authorities.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) A and B
(e) None is true

9. (A) The delay experienced by. Mr. Pandit was caused by some temporary
(B) The entries relating to Mr. Pandit’s case were not done according to
proper procedure.
(C) Mr. Pandit was already aware of the proper procedure.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) A and B
(e) B and C

10. (A) Using counterfoils instead of vouchers is risky not only to the customers
but also to the bank;
(B) The bank 'authorities were not 'insensitive to ' Mr. Pandit’s complaint.
(C) The branch manager paid no heed to the authorities’ instructions.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) A and B
(e) A and C

Directions: Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the
blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete
11. These essays are intellectually........ and represent various levels of complexity.
(a) Revealing
(b) Modern
(c) Superior
(d) Demanding
(e) Persistent

12. Integrity of character, honesty dependability and discipline ........ with a genuine interest in
your work will go a long way in the achievement of success in your life.
(a) Coupled
(b) Adjoined
(c) Fixed
(d) Attached
(e) Joined

13. The soldiers were instructed to ........ restraint and handle the situation peacefully .
(a) Exercise
(b) Control
(c) Prevent
(d) Enforce
(e) Remain

14. The two sisters look so ........ that It is difficult to ten one from the other.
(a) Same
(b) Similar
(c) Identical
(d) Alike
(e) Resembling

15. Since one cannot read every book, one should be content with making a ....selection.
(a) Normal
(b) Standard
(c) Sample
(d) Moderate
(e) Judicious

Directions: In each of the following questions, choose the word which can be
substituted for the given phrase/sentence.

16. Something that cures any evil or trouble
(a) Panacea
(b) Manna
(c) Potion
(d) Elixir

17. Person who doubts the truth of a particular claim
(a) Nihilist
(b) Cynic
(c) Skeptic
(d) Pugnacious

18. A man devoid of kindly feeling and sympathy
(a) Callous
(b) Cruel
(c) Brute
(d) Egoist

19. Person who practices unnatural sexual intercourse, especially between male
(a) Voluptuary
(b) Sodomite
(c) Prostitute
(d) Masochist

20. Continuing fight between parties, families, clans etc
(a) Enmity
(b) Feud
(c) Quarrel
(d) Skirmish

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